Friday, April 22, 2011

difficulty paper YGB

When I started reading Young Goodman Brown, it didn’t seem hat difficult to read gradually was hard to follow. I understand that YGB was testing himself and his faith by entering the forest but I feel a little lost why he feels so distressful in church. In class we talked about how he saw the people surrounding him as evil. He started out by being a very proud untainted religious man but as the story progresses he definitely changes. I personally think he should have listened to his wife about not going on that path though he decided to do so anyways because he thought he would test himself. I really don’t understand why he would even talk to the fellow traveler he saw who clearly represented the devil. I find it interesting that even with the devil telling him that he has been acquainted with his grandfather and grandfather who helped bring helped lash a Quaker woman in the streets of Salem and father who set fire to an Indian village. If that was personally me, I feel like I would start running the other way. Those deeds seem evil.  Its interesting that in both the Crucible and Young Goodman Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne still feels responsible and guilty of what his ancestors did in the past by writing about those evils. 

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