Saturday, March 5, 2011

metacognitive reflection on your own reading habits

Reading is something I have always enjoyed but I have a tendency to get distracted easily but what’s going on around me. I try to get my reading done during the weekend because I usually have to work throughout the week. On my breaks from work I usually will bring the assigned reading book but my breaks are only 10 minutes. Though when I do take the time to read I try establish good reading habits like underlining words, mostly the ones in Spanish that I don’t know and keeping my laptop handy to translate. I’ve been trying to take my book with me everywhere I go by putting it in my purse. I also have been making a habit of reading during my breakfast and lunch to try to get through as many pages as possible. Having a laptop so close can also be a distraction. I’ve had some difficulty trying to constantly be writing in my book. I usually try to stay away from that because in the back of my mind I think I have to sell back the book but since its required to make notes in along the text, that probably won’t happen. It’s been a while since I’ve had an English class and gotten into the practice of good reading habits but what I think it comes down to is setting priorities. It also has helped by reading other people blogs and seeing how they establish their reading habits. 

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