Saturday, March 5, 2011

what do you think sonny is going to do with the money?

I think Sonny is going to run away with the money he has saved.  Cloyd and his mother found out that it was Sonny taking the magazine telling him to go to his room. Sonny claims, “I was relieved to do that. Well, only to not stand there and wait for what was going to happen. Mostly to go see if they knew about the money I stole. I knew if that’d been found-well, I wouldn’t have gotten to go to this room”(191.) I think that if Cloyd would have also found out about the money things like sonny said would go down a lot differently. Sonny isn’t happy were he’s at, and with the money he saved I would have enough to take off but not live off of forever. I think Sonny has a good idea of this and stays because of that and maybe of his mother and Nica. I think its only a matter of time however until Sonny has had enough with his situation and splits. It seems that his mother doesn’t really care about how Sonny is doing with living there but is caught up in her own distractions from being unhappy at the Flowers building. She is never really there to help raise him; he’s mostly on his own. If I were personally in Sonny’s situation I would definitely stop stealing because people will definitely start to take notice. I would try to save as much as possible and leave. 


  1. I agree, I think Sonny will soon take the money and him and his mom will leave Cloyd. You wrote "if Cloyd would have also found out about the money things like sonny said would go down a lot differently." If this were to happen, I think the story would have done a 180 and everything would be alot different. I don't think Cloyd would have let Sonny live in his apartment if he found out Sonny was stealing, so it would be smart of Sonny to just stop while he's still ahead.

  2. I agree that Silvia is in her own world. Sonny is always left to fend for him self against Cloyd. It's almost as if Silva puts her problems on Sonny so that she could come and go.

    I think that she feels that she is trying to make a better life for her and Sonny by being with Cloyd for stability but both her and Sonny are very unhappy.

    I was hoping that if Sonny did steal the money that he would use it to take him and his mom away from Cloyd and start of somewhere new. The ending kind of took me for a loop!!

    I was always nervous reading about Sonny doing sneaky things. He dabbled alittle in a risky way, that made me very nervous to think that Cloyd would find out and something bad would happen to Sonny...I wish the novel would of kept going alittle more so i could see what became of Sonny. But I guess him saving Nica meant more to Sonny!
